Friday, October 22, 2010

Evelina 1999

under the clear skies
of her new home, tends plants while
cats chase butterflies

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Olive Tree 1998

though tears rain like
a storm raging about

though pain sears like
the sun waging a drought

like the olive tree on the hill
still I love thee

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Race

Gasp a silent scream
Got to be a dream
Discordant voices
Questioning choices
From the guest bedroom
Came a pop of doom
How could you, he died!
Heartbroken, she cried
Overcome with dread
His killer then fled
He ran for the door
Tripped, fell to the floor
Entwined, they struggled
Emotions juggled
Murderer, she hissed
Couldn’t you have missed? 
Locked in a frantic race
Gun aimed at each face
Minds blanked by panic
Launched their last antic
Gaze into the sink
Vomit, smell the stink


In Memory of Eve Ellis (1942-1999)

Eve Ellis, beloved wife of Doc Ellis, died September 22, 1999 in Lancaster, CA, after a lengthy illness.

She was born on October 22, 1942 in Monterey Park, CA.  Eve had been a resident of Agua Dulce, CA since October 1992.

She completed docent training at Vasquez Rocks Park.  She also was a member of the Vasquez Rocks Nature Center Associates and –briefly- the Agua Dulce Gardening Club.

An avid gardener, Eve kept an abundance of healthy plants wherever she lived.  She did not just have a green thumb, she had a green hand!

It seems as though Eve was always working with plants or landscape.

She loved cats and could not refrain from picking one up and snuggling with it whenever she found a feline.  She adopted numerous cats over the years, most of which are still alive.

Eve left behind an incredible collection of knick-knacks.  Treasure hunting, yard saling, and thrift shopping fueled her passion for acquiring bargains of any type.  She used to brag: ‘I paid fifty cents for this…I got that for a quarter! I found the roses behind the K-Mart,’ and so on.

Eve is survived by her father, John Ippolito of Santa Clarita, CA; her son Gary Suplee, his wife, and their children of Riverside, CA; her son Kurtis Suplee of Orange County, CA; her brother John Ippolito, his wife, and their children of Reno, NV; and other relatives.

A Memorial Service is being planned.

-Doc Ellis

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Bund

and the bund plays on
as the fury builds up whilst
the rape continues


Thursday, June 10, 2010


so make up thy mind
that what thee will find
which pill will thee take
which thirst will thee slake
which cub will thee breed
which cub will thee feed
eyes become blurry
from grief and fury
thy vision make clear
values thee hold dear


Sunday, March 21, 2010

That Dash

short tho be that dash
past to now forward we flash
memories we stash


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Angelface 2010

With wonder
We play
Gladly breathless down we lay
Glow under
Love’s ray